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Research Topics

The center explores topics that inform industrial design courses, provide impactful learning experiences for design students or enhance our global industrial design education community.

Click on a title to review our activities in that topic

Color Research for Designers

Color Research for Designers


Howell, B., & Shifferstein, H. (2019). How Neutral Coloured Backgrounds Affect the Attractiveness and Expensiveness of Fresh Produce. Journal of Food Quality and Preference, Download here.

Shifferstein, H., & Howell, B. (2016). Coloured Backgrounds Affect the Attractiveness of Fresh Produce, But Not It's Perceived Color. Journal of Food Quality and Preference, Download here.

Shifferstein, H., & Howell, B. (2015). Using Colour-Odor Correspondences for Fragrance Packaging Design. Journal of Food Quality and Preference,

Download here.

Howell, B., & Camila Toro Gutierrez, M. (2015). Color, Trademark and Designers. Conference proceedings of Cumulus Milan 2015: The Virtuous Circle, Milan, Italy, June 3-7.

Download here.

Howell, B., Marin, E., & Kook, S. (2014). The Effects of Context in Product Color Testing. Conference proceedings of Design & Emotion 2014, Bogota, Colombia, October 6-10.

Download here.

Howell, B., Teng, C., Eggett, D., Sparks, B., Shirley, N., Whitaker, R., & George, J. (2010) Two Color Proportion in Nature. Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Design and Innovation of Catalonia, Sabadell, Spain. March.

Download here.


Pictorials in Design Educaton

Pictorials in Design Education


Lutz, H., Cardall, H., Hill, M., & Howell, B. (2019). Sketched: Students Identify Trends at Dutch Design Week. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education Conference; Towards a New Innovation Landscape, (E&PDE19), Glasgow, UK, September 11-13. (Best Paper Award) Download here.

Lutz, H., Cardall, H., Hill, M., & Howell, B. (2019). Sketched: Students Identify Trends at Dutch Design Week. Engineering Designer (the bi-monthly journal of the Institution of Engineering Designers), Westbury, Wiltshire, UK. Download here.


2019 Best Paper Award 21st Engineering & Product Design Education Conference, Sketched: Students Identify Trends at Dutch Design Week.


Sketching Data and Conclusions. 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Towards a New Innovation Landscape, (E&PDE19). Glasgow, Scotland, UK, September 2019.

Exploring the Future of Draw Concepts in Design Education, Part Two. 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Creativity and Ethics, (E&PDE18). London, UK, September 2018.

 Exploring the Future of Draw Concepts in Design Education, Part One. Design 2018: Excellence in Design, 15th International Design Conference. Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2018.


Sponsored the Visual Papers conference track at the Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2019.

Sponsored the Visual Papers conference track at the Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, Hearning, Denmark, 2020.

Interdisciplinary Industrial Design Educaton

Interdisciplinary Industrial Design Education 


Hamilton, M. & Howell, B. (2019). Exploring the Moral Differences between Industrial Design, Engineering and Entrepreneurship Students. Conference proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education; Towards a New Innovation Landscape, (E&PDE19), Glasgow, UK, September 11-13. Download here.

Anderson, C. & Howell, B. (2019). Design Thinking in Law School: A Case Study of SoloSuit. Conference proceedings for the Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference 2019 (ADIM19), London, UK, June 18-21. Download here.

Kovacevic, A., Howell, B., Jaagadeesh, C., Read, M., Horak, P., Tarnok, Z., Amar, L. & Hazen, G.(2018). Application Of "Codeve" Methodology in Transatlantic Student Design Project. Conference proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education; Design Education: Diversity or Conformity? (E&PDE18) (pp. 726-731), London, UK, September 6-7. Download here.

Willet, K. & Howell, B. (2017). Using Local Invasive Species and Flora to Manufacture Collagen Based Biodegradable Plastic Tableware. Conference proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design: Resource Sensitive Design, Design Research Applications and Case Studies, (ICED 17), Vancouver, Canada, August 21-25. Download here.

Howell, B. & Swan, B. (2011). The Hewlett Packard Home Sensory Project. Conference proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Design Education for Creativity and Business Innovation (E&PDE11), City University, London, England. September 8-9. ​Download here.


2018 Grunin Prize Finalist at the New York University School of Law for a law student/design student online legal product


Sponsored the Entrepreneurship in Design Education conference track at the Academy Design Innovation Management conference, London, 2019


Mobile Lighting Products. European Global Product Realization, City, University of London, School of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering. London, UK, June 2018.


Social Media in Design Educaton

Social Media in Design Education


Howell, B., Siebert, J., & Hill, M.  (2019). New Uses of Instagram In Design History Education. Conference proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education; Towards a New Innovation Landscape, (E&PDE19), Glasgow, UK, September 11-13. Download here.

Cardall, H., & Howell, B.  (2018). Using Instagram to Increase Student Engagement with Design History. Conference proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education; Design Education: Diversity or Conformity? (E&PDE18) (pp. 726-731), London, UK, September 6-7. Download here.

Howell, B., Morgan, D., Stark, C., & Puglisi, A.   (2015). Kickstarters Role in Design Education. Conference proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Design Teaching, Research & Enterprise (E&PDE15) (pp. 576-581), Loughborough, England, September 3-4. Download here.


Invitation to Sweden 

Women in Design

Women and Design Education


Westwood, J., Fuller, B., Howell, B. (2020). Exploring the Impact of Social Threat on Women's Educational Experiences Participating in Majority Male or Female Teams. Unpublished, submitted for June 2020 conference proceedings. Download here.

Intellectual property in design education

Intellectual Property in Design Education


Howell, B., & Briscoe, T.  (2017). Design Education and The New Culture of Design Centric Intellectual Property. Conference proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education; Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future (E&PDE17), Oslo, Norway, September 7-8. Download here.

Howell, B.  (2014). Should I Patent This? Conference Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Design Education and Human Technology Relations (E&PDE14), Enschede, Netherlands, September 4-5. Download here.


2014 Best Paper Award at the 16th Engineering & Product Design Education Conference, Should I Patent This?

Rhetoric in Design Education

Rhetoric in Design Education


Howell, B., & Christensen, K. (2013). Out of the Lecture and into the Studio: A New Take on Teaching Design History. Conference proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Growing Our Future (E&PDE13), Dublin, Ireland, September 5-6. Download here.

Howell, B., & Christensen, S.  (2011). Design Mashup: Personal Object Meets Narrative in Contemporary Design. Conference proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Design Education for Creativity and Business Innovation (E&PDE11), City University, London, England. September 8-9. Download here.

Howell, B.  (2010). Training Students to Critically Assess a Design Rhetoric. Conference proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: When Design Education and Design Research Meet (E&PDE10), Trondheim, Norway. September. Download here.

Howell, B.  (2010). Training Students to Critically Assess a Design Rhetoric. Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Design and Innovation of Catalonia, Sabadell, Spain. March. Download here.

Howell, B.  (2008) Using Rhetorical Tropes to Create an Authentic, Meaningful Narrative for a Design Project. Conference Proceedings of the 2008 Industrial Design Society of America National Education Conference, Phoenix, Arizona. October. Download here.


Using Visual Figures of Speech in Design. Visual Tropes, Rowland Hall. Salt Lake City, Utah, January 2018.

Using Visual Figures of Speech in Design. 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Creativity and Ethics, (E&PDE18). London, UK, September 2018.

Using Visual Figures of Speech in Design.  University of Washington. Seattle, Washington, February 2016.

Using Visual Figures of Speech in Design.  Visual Tropes, Rowland Hall. Salt Lake City, Utah, April 2016.

Student Authority in Design Education

Student Authority in Design Education 


Howell, B., Stark, C., & Turner, D.  (2016). Design Student Acculturation Through Collaborative Project Assessment. Conference proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Collaboration and Cross-Disciplinarity (E&PDE16), Aalborg, Denmark, September 8-9. Download here.

Stark, C., & Howell, B.  (2016). Collaborative Mentorships in Design Education. Conference proceedings of NordDesign, 2016 (pp. 168-177), Trondheim, Norway, August 10-12. Download here.

International Design Educational Experiences

International Design Educational Experiences


Cardall, H., & Howell, B.  (2019). Identifying Product Design Trends at Dutch Design Week. Conference proceedings for the Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference 2019 (ADIM19), London, UK, June 18-21. Download here.

Kovacevic, A., Howell, B., Jaagadeesh, C., Read, M., Horak, P., Tarnok, Z., Amar, L. & Hazen, G.(2018). Application Of "Codeve" Methodology in Transatlantic Student Design Project. Conference proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education; Design Education: Diversity or Conformity? (E&PDE18) (pp. 726-731), London, UK, September 6-7. Download here.

Larsen, A., & Howell, B. (2018). Increasing the Educational Impact Following A Field Study Programme. Conference proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education; Design Education: Diversity or Conformity? (E&PDE18) (pp. 56-61), London, UK, September 6-7. Download here.

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